Monday, December 3, 2012

The quote in the picture to the right just about sums up how I feel about running.  I can't say I get up every morning telling myself, "Yea!! I get to run today!" Or on the weekends, "Yea!! I get to spend my entire weekend running!!"  But I can say that I love the feeling of accomplishing what only a few  shorty years ago I would have told myself I could never do.

Have said that . . . .

I have been given the Thumbs Up from Coach Gary regarding a tentative race schedule for next year.  The thought of what I want to accomplish almost nauseates me, but that's a good thing.  . . . Right?  I'm going to be 47 in February.  Obviously getting older, not younger.  If I don't push myself now, then I may never be able to do so.

My goals mean more time alone and less time with my husband.  He is amazingly tolerant of this craziness, and I love him all the more for his support.  I hope he'll be able to accompany on at least a couple of my adventures so I can share the experiences with him.

So far on the schedule for 2013:

May 25-27 - Western States 3-Day Training Camp (70 Miles)
July 13 - Mt. Hood 50

Tentatively on the schedule:
Feb 9 - American Canyon 50k, Auburn, CA
Mar 16 - Rodeo Valley 50k, Marin Headlands, San Fran, CA
Apr 21 - Sunsweet 50k, Redbluff, CA
Sept - Headlands 50, Marin Headlands, San Fran, CA

The February, March, and April dates are what have my butt puckering a bit, so I need to give myself some more think time before committing, because as all us runners know, committing = non-fundable $$.

Headlands - I'm waiting for PCTR to get their 2013 schedule posted to see if they're actually going to run it and, if so, will it be in September.

I'm getting tired just thinking about it all . . . . but it's a good tired.


Jerry Smallwood said...

I get quite excited when I see what you are about to embark on next year. Once I get my 'big' one out of the way next year I will start concentrating on the 50 mile races. Good luck in your training.

fatozzig said...

Thanks, Jerry! I'm excited, too. Just gotta stay healthy. :o)