If You Have to Ask Why, You'll Never Understand
Games require skill. Running requires endurance, character, pride, physical strength, and mental toughness. Running is a test, not a game. A test of faith, belief, will, and trust in ones self. So hardcore that it needs a category all to itself to define the pain. When game players criticize, it's because they aren't willing to understand, not because they're stronger. Running is more than a sport; it's a lifestyle. If you have to ask us why we run, you'll never understand, so just accept. (Author Unknown)
There is nothing more to be said.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks, Ewa. You, too. I need to get over and check out your blog more. How'd you find me?
I usually find interesting blogs through comments people leave on the blogs I follow.
Nail. On the head.
This hits it.
Someone posted this on RunningAhead. He didn't know who to contribute it to, either. Perfection though, isn't it?
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