Sunday, June 26, 2011

Are You Willing to Make a Leap of Faith?

(Me on left and one of my very best buds ever, Karen, on the right. Nope, we don't have any fun together at all.)

"If you are ever going to achieve as much as you can in a sport, you are going to have to be willing to make a leap of faith to learn how much your body can handle." (Meredith Rainey Valmon)

“The voice of caution knows nothing of real joy. What joy is there in doing what you know you could do? Try something you could fail at… that might just be living." (Neale Donald Walsch)

"You can obtain your goal if you maintain your course." (from a fortune cookie)

Guess the question is - - where is my leap of faith taking me? Good questions, yes, very good question . . . .

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